HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

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Learning Materials Home

Getting started |
References | Resources | Glossary | Download | Because

Definitions & descriptions: Introduction | Background | Origins | What it is | Principles | Difference | Approaches | People | Holistic approaches | Why needed | Landscape | Concept | How to see | Natural? | Reasons | Focus

Structure & pattern: Introduction | Structure | Features | Patches | Formation | Characteristics | Scale | Geometry | Types | Matrix | What it is | Criteria | Identifying | Corridors | Characteristics | Pros & cons | Scale | Types | Measurements | Indices | Measures | Metrics | Inadequacies | Quanitificaiton | Appearance | Effect of scale | Different scales | Complexity

Function & process: Introduction | Processes | Elements | Size | Connectivity | Boundaries | Transformation | Size | Shape | Position | Fragmentation | Isolation | Species effects | Spatial effects | Microclimate | Forests & birds | Ecosystem | Equilibrium | Theory | Origin | Debate | Dynamics | Source sink | Metapopulations | Relationships | Other ecosystem processes

Change & dynamics: Introduction | Importance | Processes | Instigators | Disturbance | Influences | Humans | Effects | Extent | Gradients | Results | Classification | Spatial causes | Attributes | Clearance | Fragmentation | Variegation

Management implications: Introduction | Sustainability | Integration | Level | Solutions

Definitions & descriptions:
Introduction | GIS | What it is | GIS science | Reasons | Characteristics | Components | How it works | Inputs & outputs | Terms | Software | Desktop | Workstation | Tool | Remote sensing | What it is | How it works | Uses | Data | Software | Integration | Vegetation | Habitat

Data Concepts & Issues: Introduction | Representation | Concept models | Data models | Vector | Raster | Spatial data | Types | Acquiring | National | NT | Creating | Referencing | Coordinates | Projections | Georeferencing | GPS | Data issues | Scale | Metadata | Quality | Accuracy | Micro-level | Positional | Attribute | Logical | Resolution | Macro-level | Classification | Completeness | Time | Lineage | Usage | Error | Sources | Types | Managing | Management | Files | DBMS | Hierarchical | Network | Relational | OO

Setting up GIS: Introduction | Development | Stages | Awareness | Functions | Systems | Database | Layers | Implement | Standards | Planning | New uses | People

Using GIS: Introduction | Functionality | Analysis | Functions | Q & A | Categories | Spatial | Attribute | Integrated | Output | Modelling | GIS | Environmental | Linking | Limitations | Quality | Examples | SDSS | Software | SPAN | HISA | RLE | FRAGSTATS | FRAGSTATS* | Patch Analyst

Applications: Introduction | Examples | Comparison | Land | Wildlife | Fire | Wetlands

Introduction | Problem | Project | Region | Original landscape | Landscape today | Change | North Australia | Implications

New England: Introduction | Problem | Project | Original landscape | Landscape today | Change | Species change | North Australia | Implications

Kidman Springs: Introduction | Problem | Project | Sites | Data | Methods | Results 1 | Results 2 | Comparison | Implications

Crocodile Nests: Introduction | Problem | Region | Project | Data | Functions | System | Output | Standards


Site map | Glossary | Downloads | References | Resources | Graphic Version

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Updated July 2004©
Charles Darwin University
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