HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

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Are there different ways of seeing the landscape?

There are several ways of seeing landscapes. They can be viewed as:

nature - landscape valued as a natural and peaceful environment

habitat - the forest and lake are home to native birds, animals and fish

artefact - this is a man-made lake formed by damming a river

system - the alke forms part of a water catchment

wealth - there are timber and other resources here that represent wealth

ideology - the natural world being forever altered by human incursion

history - part of the great human endeavour of mastering the Snowy River

place - a source of recreation

aesthetic - a pretty scene of a lake framed by trees

(Meinig, 1979)

These views of the landscape relate to how different people feel about and interpret landscapes. Individuals usually have their own perceptions of landscapes, and ideas of what they are, relating to their own experiences.

Do this - Landscape 'views' - Why?
Note in your e-journal what different perspectives people might have for this new landscape. This activity requires you to manipulate an image on the screen, you can only do this from the graphics version of the site.


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