HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

Definitions & descriptions | Structure & pattern | Function & process | Change & dynamics | Management implications
Background | Origins | What it is | Principles | Difference | Approaches | People | Holistic


Background to landscape ecology

Background to landscape ecology covers some of the distinctions between ecology and landscape ecology as well as how the study of landscape ecology has developed. This section answers the following six questions:

Where did landscape ecology come from?
What is landscape ecology?
What are the main principles of landscape ecology?
What makes LANDSCAPE ecology different?
What are the main approaches of landscape ecology?
Where do landscape ecologists come from?

The field of landscape ecology focuses on five major factors

These factors will be addressed in more detail through the topics in this theme.

You might like to check out the following web article for an overview of 'What is landscape ecology?'   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landscape_ecology


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