HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

Definitions & descriptions | Structure & pattern | Function & process | Change & dynamics | Management implications
Importance | Processes | Instigators | Disturbance | Spatial Processes


Why look at change?

The formation of structure in the landscape is a dynamic, complex and evolutionary process (Perez-Trejo, 1993).

This means that the pattern visible in the landscape is a response to the integration of physical, biological and disturbance factors over long periods of time. Pattern is a result of the interrelation of these different processes at different spatial and temporal scales.

The elements that define any given landscape will therefore be representative of a particular snapshot in time.

Do this - Contrasting structural changes - Why?

List the structural changes taking place in Kellerberrin and New England landscapes. What differences can you identify?

Do you think they can be quantified in the same way?


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