HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

Kellerberrin | New England | Kidman Springs | Crocodile Nests
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What's happening in Kellerberrin?

The Kellerberrin Project that provides the basis for this case study was conducted by the CSIRO, Division of Wildlife Ecology, Western Australia.

The environmental problem
About the Kellerberrin Project
The Wheatbelt Region
The original landscape and agricultural changes
The landscape today
Consequences of changing the landscape
Relevance to north Australian landscapes
Implications for land management

This case study portrays the structural changes that have taken place in the wheatbelt of WA as a result of human activity, and is a good example of fragmentation of habitat in Australian landscapes. It is also a good illustration of the implications of altering landscape pattern on the ecosystem processes and flows operating within the landscape.

We are grateful to Richard Hobbs for allowing this project to be used as a case study and supplying information and photographs relevant to this project.


Hobbs, R.J., Saunders, D.A. and Arnold, G.W. 1993

Price, O.F., Woinarski, J.C.Z. and Robinson, D



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