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System evaluation and justification

Since this particular project was to be carried out in the GIS/RS lab at CDU where GIS facilities were already available and in operation, system evaluation was not required in this incidence.

System facilities already in operation in the GIS/RS lab at CDU include ArcInfo on Unix workstations and ArcView on PC networked using Windows NT. Remote sensing capabilities are available through ERDAS IMAGINE.

ESRI software products are some of the best in terms of GIS functionality so in this case it was the easiest and best option to make use of the existing GIS facilities on site. ArcInfo and ArcView have all the necessary functionality required by this project, and have the ability to integrate data from remote sensing, spreadsheet/database information and vector topographic maps.

In this particular study it was not necessary to benchmark and test a new GIS as GIS facilities were already available at CDU. However, it can be useful to conduct some form of bench-marking and pilot study to determine the length of time that will be needed to spend on the project, and also to determine how much work is to be done, and therefore whether it will be necessary to employ more staff to carry out the work.



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