HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

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Integrated analysis of spatial and attribute data

Retrieval/classification/measurement functions
Overlay operations
Neighbourhood operations
Connectivity functions

These GIS operations are especially applicable to environmental modelling.

Retrieval/classification/measurement functions

Spatial and attribute data are retrieved but only the attribute data are modified or created, no changes are made to the spatial elements.

Overlay operations

This is divided into arithmetical and logical overlay.

Overlay of flood zone with cadastral map


Neighbourhood operations

These evaluate the characteristics of the area surrounding a specified location - include operations such as search, line in polygon, point in polygon, topographic functions, theissen polygons, interpolation, contour generation


Thiessen polygons



Connectivity functions

These are operations that use functions that accumulate values over the area being traversed eg contiguity measures, proximity, network, spread, seek, intervisibility, illumination, perspective view.



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Updated July 2004 © Charles Darwin University
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