HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

Kellerberrin | New England | Kidman Springs | Crocodile Nests
Problem | Project | Methods | Results 1 | Results 2 | Comparison | Implications


About the Kidman Springs project

Aims of the study
The study area


Aims of the study

The aim of this investigation is to look at the differences in landscape structure (patchiness) between two images for the Kidman springs area and to relate these differences in patterning to grazing intensity.

Just by looking at the classified data, there are quite clear differences in appearances in terms of the structure present in the images. It is difficult though, to quantify these differences without calculating some sort of metric of landscape structure and patterning.

Patches recorded from fieldwork show that the land classification is an over simplification of reality so trying to quantify structure using this sort of approach may have limitations. As a result we will look at 2 different methods for measuring structure in this study.

KS1 Patch locations 14kb

KS5 Patch locations 31kb



The study area

The study area is the region around Kidman Springs in the Victoria River Downs region of the Northern Territory. This area is typical of the rangelands in this region of the Northern Territory ie they are under pressure from grazing. This investigation forms part of a larger study that is being conducted by CSIRO and the CRC for Tropical Savannas, to monitor the condition of the north Australian rangelands.

Before reading further you are advised to look at

The two sample sites

The data




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