HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

Kellerberrin | New England | Kidman Springs | Crocodile Nests
Problem | Project | Methods | Results 1 | Results 2 | Comparison | Implications


The two sample sites (KS1 and KS5)

The two sample sites used in this illustrative study are KS1 (situated about 0.075km from a watering point), and KS5 (closed to grazing because it is within an exclosure and therefore assigned a distance of 10km, considered to be a distance outside the influence of grazing). Both sites are on the same land units.

The dominant vegetation of the Kidman Springs area is a low open eucalypt savanna characterised by desert bloodwood (Eucalyptus terminalis) and silver box (E. pruinosa).

The most common shrub is Conkerberry (Carissa lanceolata), and the common grasses are perennial black speargrass (Heteropogon contortus), curly bluegrass (Dichanthium fecundum), short-lived, biennial limestone grass (Enneapopgon polyphyllus) and annual false couch (Brachyachne convergens).

Trees such as bauhinia (Lysiphyllum cunninghamii) and rosewood (Terminalia volucris) largely occur along drainage lines (Ludwig et al, 1999).

Kidman Springs 1 (KS1)

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Kidman Springs 5 (KS5)

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