HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

Definitions & descriptions | Concepts & issues | Setting up GIS | Using GIS | Application
Example | Comparison | Land | Wildlife | Fire | Wetlands

Possible applications

Exploring applications
More possible applications

Exploring applications

If you would like to spend some time exploring possible applications on the web you may find the following sites some sites listed under landscape ecology and GIS on the suggested additional resources page are good starting points.

Do this - Possible Applications - Why?
Read through this list and use your e-journal to jot down how you think the GIS could be used for each of these landscape ecology applications

More possible applications

Your text book gives further environmental applications for GIS.

Set text 'Applications' pp.161-281

Do this -
More possible applications - Why?
Return to the list you created. Jot down any further applications that could be explored.



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