HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

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Representation | Spatial data | Referencing | Data issues | Accuracy | Error | Sources | Types | Managing | Management



Error is introduced at every step of the process of generating geographic information. It is impossible to eliminate error completely from GIS processing, the best we can do is manage it and acknowledge that it exists.

Sources of error
Types of error
Managing error

Sometimes trade offs have to be made. It may not always be cost-effective to reduce the level of error and it may not always be necessary to reduce the uncertainty in the data set for the level of detail required in the GIS output.

Reading 2.2 Burrough and McDonnell chapter on error

Do this -
Predicting error - Why?

What errors you might encounter in your GIS if you were setting up an environmental GIS that made use of classified satellite imagery, data typed in at the keyboard and a digitised land cover map.

What might the implications be for your output after analysis if you don't try to reduce these errors?


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