HOME ENV510 Landscape Ecology and GIS

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Functional requirements

Assessing data requirements
Compiling a list of functions required
Undertaking a Functional Requirement Study

Once the project has been defined a function evaluation is necessary. This includes:

Assessing data requirements

This means working out what data is needed and how it is to be processed.

The project proposal should have already defined the question/s that the GIS is being used to address so from this it is possible to determine what data will be needed to answer these questions. This means that a list can be compiled that consists of:

Compiling a list of GIS functions required

Once the data requirements have been determined it is important to decide how the data is going to be processed and what analyses are going to be performed on it. This information can be derived from the aims of the project.

Undertaking a Functional Requirement Study (FRS)

Data and functional requirements are collated as part of the functional requirements study (FRS). Once this is complete, users end up with

From this stage the user can then go on to evaluate a GIS system for their own particular use.



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Updated July 2004 © Charles Darwin University
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