Maintenance and analysis of spatial data
These functions are used to transform spatial data
files, edit them and assess their accuracy.
- Format transformations
- the transformation of files into the data structure and file formats
used internally by the GIS
- Geometric transformations
- assigning of ground coordinates to a data layer within the GIS of
adjustment of one layer so it can be overlayed correctly on another
data layer for the same area (the procedure is called registration)
- Conflation
- the procedure of reconciling the positions of corresponding features
in different data layers ie ensuring that features that have the same
geographic position will coincide when two data layers are overlayed
- Edge
matching and mosaicing
- a procedure to adjust the position of features that extend across
map sheet boundaries
- Editing functions
- used to add, delete ad change the geographic position of features
eg removal of sliver
polygons generated during digitising or overlay operations and line
snapping - extending short lines to reach features they should connect
- Line coordinate thinning
- used to reduce the quantity of coordinate data that must be stored
in the GIS when more coordinates are entered than needed (Aranoff,