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GIS/RS environmental modelling

Environmental models simulate temporal and three dimensional processes relating to the functions of the earth (atmosphere, hydrology, soil, biology and ecology).

Modelling and GIS
Environmental models
Linking environmental models with GIS
GIS limitations for environmental modelling
Factors affecting the quality of model predictions
Examples of environmental modelling applications using GIS
Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS)

GIS offers quite sophisticated technology for processing, analysing and visualising digital spatial data, and RS is useful for collecting land cover information and monitoring complex land processes.

Together RS and GIS provide the data and the analysis techniques necessary to create environmental models, which in turn support decision making relating to natural resource management.


Reading 2.7 Griffiths, G.H., Lee, J. and Eversham, B.C. (2000). Landscape pattern and species richness; regional scale analysis from Remote Sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 21(13&14), 2685-2704.


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