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Which file should you download?
How to download

Which file should you download?

When you download a file you put a copy of it on your computer. You need to have the correct software on your computer to read the files. Depending on what type of file you downloaded, you can do different things with it once you have it.

  • If you have Microsoft Word on your computer you can download that version of the files (ending in .doc), then print or modify just as you would with any other document.
  • If you download the Adobe Acrobat files (ending in .pdf ) then you can read on screen and print, but not change the file. To view these files you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. This can be downloaded for free.

Use the Adobe link to start downloading Acrobat Reader from the USA http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.

Please remember that these files are supplied for Charles Darwin students studying this unit and Charles Darwin University holds the copyright. You should not distribute these files to others, or use their contents in other work without acknowledgment.


How to download

When you click on the file name below you may be asked to choose between 'Open it' and 'Save to disk'.

  • If you know you want to have a copy, choose 'Save to disk' and select where you want it stored on your computer (or disk). You will be told when the download has finished.
  • If you want to see what the files looks like first, you can 'Open it' and then use the save command in that software.



These files are for you to add notes and answers to activities. Each 'Reflection' and 'Do this' activity has been included, along with space for you to write (if you choose to print the file without any changes). You can view the colour graphics on screen, in both versions, without being connected to the Internet.

e-journal.doc (114kb)

e-journal.pdf (130kb)



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Report problems to lrp@cdu.edu.au

Updated July 2004 © Charles Darwin University
Copyright information and disclaimer