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Suggested additional resources

Listed below, by the type of resource and then the topic/theme, are suggested additional resources for this unit. This list is a guide only, which is meant to assist you in finding additional information on particular topics or themes of interest.

Useful books that can be found in CDU Library

1. Concepts - Landscape ecology

  • *Forman, R.T.T. and Godron, M. (1986). Landscape ecology. John Wiley and Sons, Canada.
  • *Forman, R.T. (1995). Land mosaics: the ecology of landscape and regions. Cambridge University Press.
  • Naveh, Z and Lieberman, A.S (1984). Landscape Ecology: Theory and Application. Springer Verlag, NY.
  • Bissonette, J.A. (ed) (1997). Wildlife and Landscape Ecology: Effects of Pattern and scale. Springer-Verlag, NY Inc.
  • Finlayson, C.M. and von Oertzen I. (eds) (1996). Landscape and Vegetation Ecology of the Kakadu Region, Northern Australia. Kluwer Academic Publishers. The Netherlands.
  • Ludwig J. et al. (eds) (1997). Landscape Ecology: Function and Management. Principles from Australia's Rangelands. CSIRO, Australia.


2 Technical - GIS and RS

  • DeMers, M. (1997). Fundamentals of GIS. John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Burrough, P. and McDonnell, R. (1997). Principles of GIS. Oxford Uni Press
  • Campbell, J.B. (1996). Introduction to Remote Sensing. Taylor and Francis.
  • Avery, T.E. and Berlin, G.L. (1992). Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Air photo Interpretation. Macmillan. Canada.


3 Applications

  • Frohn, R.C. (1998). Remote Sensing for Landscape Ecology. Lewis publishers, Florida, USA.
  • Johnston, C.A. (1998). Geographic Information Systems in Ecology. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK.
  • Grimson Lyon, J.and McCarthy, J. (1995). Wetlands and Environmental Applications of GIS. CRC Press.

*One copy of each of these books should be available on short term loan in the CDU Library which can be used by Darwin students.



Useful web sites

This is a list of some useful web sites which can provide supplementary information to this unit.

Principles of Landscape ecology


Dispersal and mortality in a heterogeneous landscape matrix
looks at metapopulations and how patchiness in the landscape effects dispersal and mortality


Island biogeography




  • Scale Considerations for Ecosystem Management
    discusses the importance of determining appropriate scales for successful ecosystem management, looks at spatial and temporal scales


Quantifying landscape structure




Remote sensing


Wetland management using GIS


Rangeland management using GIS and RS

  • CSIRO - Remote sensing of Central Australian Desert
    CD ROM - F:\home\DESHOME.HTM
    CD ROM presentation of how CSIRO are using remote sensing and GIS in the management of the central Australian desert. Available in the grin library.

  • Using remote sensing to manage North Dakota's rangelands


Landscape ecology and GIS

  • Modeling Land-Cover Change From Measures of Spatial Landscape Structure
    Miles G. Logsdon
    Paper describing the use of GIS and measures of landscape structure to investigate land cover change in Northern Brazil.

  • The Land-Use Change Analysis System (LUCAS) for Evaluating Landscape Management Decisions
    Michael W. Berry, Richard O. Flamm, Brett C. Hazen - Rhonda L. MacIntyre
    Paper illustrating the importance of including socio-economic factors in a spatially explicit landscape change model.

  • National Gap analysis Program - A Geographic Approach to Planning for Biological Diversity

    Discussion of the gap analysis program in the US - land cover mapping program across the US using GIS to identify gaps in the reserve system

  • Detecting Critical Scales in Fragmented Landscapes
    Timothy H. Keitt1, 2 Dean L. Urban3 Bruce T. Milne1
    Paper discussing the development of a method to quantify habitat connectivity at multiple scales to assign conservation status to patches based on their connectivity. Looks at landscape pattern as scale dependant.

  • Landis
    Discussion of the LANDIS model which simulates forest landscape change over long periods of time. Has an ArcView interface.

  • Linking GIS with Models for Endangered Species
    paper linking discussing the a model which links GIS to models for viability analysis and risk assessment to endangered species - integrating landscape data and assessing human impacts on wildlife.


More general information

  • A Multi-Scale Study of the Spread of Alien Species into the Native Forests of Windward East Maui
    Discussion of Phd project outline to look at spread of alien species in forests Hawaii using a landscape and systems ecology approach



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