Due to the different faunal groups present in any one area, it is
necessary to employ a range of techniques to obtain a representative
sample. You must also carefully consider the aims
of the survey, as this will dictate the faunal groups to be sampled.
Sampling fauna can be a time-intensive exercise, so it is important
to use the correct techniques.
Fauna use many different parts of the environment. Some are ground-dwellers,
others arboreal and some live underground or in rock crevices. Prior
knowledge of the habitat animals inhabit is important in planning
surveys and selecting the right sampling technique.
As with flora surveys, the amount of detail
required in sampling fauna will influence the methods used in a
fauna survey. For example, if there is a need to estimate
population size, then animals will have to be captured, marked
and measured. This will not be necessary if your aim is to develop
a fauna list for your area.
Having some prior knowledge of what an animal looks like, its distribution
and types of habitat it might prefer enables you to determine the
most appropriate survey method to use. These types of decisions
are critical for effective faunal surveys, and the time committed
to researching and planning survey methodology should not be underestimated.
Please read
See chapters 4 - 9 of your textbook
Please read
Please read the following articles for a comparison of trapping
methods for two different faunal groups.
Reading 4
Catling, P.C., Burt, R.J. & Kooyman, R. (1997). A comparison
of techniques used in a survey of the ground-dwelling and
arboreal mammals in forests in north-eastern New South Wales.
Wildlife Research 24:417-432.
Reading 5
Morton, S.R., Gillam, M.W., Jones, K.R. & Fleming, M.R.
(1988). Relative efficiency of different pit-trap systems
for sampling reptiles in spinifex grasslands. Wildlife
Research 15:571-577.
Techniques for sampling the major groups of terrestrial vertebrates
and invertebrates and aquatic vertebrates (i.e. fish) and invertebrates
are outlined in the sections below. Explore each of these and also
consider what other sampling considerations
need to be examined.