The final and the most neglected aspect of flora and fauna surveys
is report writing. Communicating your results and conclusions to
a wider audience is part of your professional responsibility in
having undertaken a survey in the first place. Many agencies simply
will not tolerate unfinished projects or sloppy reports, thereby
jeopardizing your chances of getting the opportunity to continue
working in this field. Getting people to read, understand and hopefully
act on your research is as important as collecting the data.
Report writing
Following the traditional structure of writing a scientific/technical
report is usually the best approach. However, in some instances
it may be useful to alter the structure to suit the needs of the
Use the following resources to develop an overview of the basic
structure and features used in a scientific report.
Record your ideas to the following questions in your ejournal.
What is the basic structure of a scientific report?
What other features need to be included?
What attributes does a good report have? (Can you remember
one you have read?)
Please read
Reading 8
Hay, I. (1996). Writing research reports and laboratory reports.
In: Communicating in Geography and the Environmental Sciences,
pages 21-33. Meridian, Oxford.
Please view
On-line information on essay writing.
Compare your ideas with ours