So, you've completed a broad-scale survey of a national park, you
have a big pile of datasheets, what now? You have to make sense
of it all!
Which is the habitat with the most species?
Which habitats are the most similar?
To answer these questions, you must store the data in a digital
format, condense and analyse the data, and perform statistical tests
that relate to your objectives.
For some people this is the most daunting and neglected aspect
of a survey. They enjoy being out in the field catching lots of
weird looking critters, but when it comes to deciding which statistical
technique to apply to a particular set of data, they just throw
up their hands and want to run away.
This section is designed to inform students of ways to analyse
data collected during a flora and fauna survey. It is not expected
for students to master all the techniques presented. It is highly
recommended that students undertake SBI504
Experimental Design and Analysis Unit to obtain more experience
in the foundations and applications of many of these statistical
There are two major questions to be explored here:
What initial considerations are important?
What types of statistical analysis are available?