Faculty of SITE Northern Territory University Flora & Fauna Survey Techniques
what is flora and fauna survey?
why survey?
factors to consider
preparing to sample
Source background information
preliminary site survey
develop a sampling plan
utilise existing technologies
permits and ethics approval
flora survey techniques
fauna survey techniques
analysing data
presenting data

What steps should be taken before sampling?

This unit isn't just about how to trap mammals or count trees. Conducting a survey involves planning beforehand and thorough field work. And when you've obtained the data, it must then be made available and understandable to others. In this unit, we will introduce you to all these skills.

Before commencing a biological survey, a number of steps should be taken to ensure that you have the best information on-hand to design and complete the survey, as well as permission to collect the data.

Explore each of the steps following so that you have a thorough understanding of the process.

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Tropical Environmental Management Course Homepage
last updated by lrp@cdu.edu.au 6 August, 2004
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