Surveys involving the sampling of flora and fauna may require permission
or authority from a number of sources.
In the Northern Territory this involves, firstly, obtaining a
permit to undertake scientific research. This permit is available
from the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment
(formerly Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory).
The application form requires details of the aim, location, institution
and investigators involved, the species targeted and the methods
involved in sampling flora and fauna.
You will also require permission of the land owner or leaseholder.
Most land in Northern Australia is occupied, owned or managed by
Aboriginal traditional owners. It is essential to consult with traditional
owners earlier in the planning phase of your survey.
If you are collecting in Kakadu National Park or similar area you
will need to apply for a specific permit. Permission to survey may
be granted by Park staff after consultation with the traditional
owners of the area, through the Park Board of Management.
In the Northern Territory a register of Aboriginal sacred sites
is maintained by the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority. For
a fee, they will check the register for sacred sites in your survey
Various Committees exist throughout Australia to control animal
research, ensuring that it complies with relevant legislation and
Code of Practice of the jurisdiction within which the research is
conducted, e.g. the Animal Care and Ethics Committees (ACECs) in
New South Wales (Agriculture).
In the NT this committee is called the 'NT Animal Ethics Experimentation
Committee' and approval is needed from this committee for any projects
carried out by Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment
staff,Charles Darwin University researchers, postgraduate students and for any teaching
purposes. The aims, investigators, species and numbers of individuals
used, justification of trapping methods, details of methods used
to minimise stress and euthanasia techniques, as appropriate, must
be detailed.
Application forms are obtained from the Research Management Division
ofCharles Darwin University or can be downloaded directly from theCharles Darwin University
For more information
Please view
"Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals
for Scientific Purposes, 6th Edition (1997)" Available via
this site as an Adobe PDF file.
From this home page search for:
'Animal Care and Ethics'
Application forms for animal ethics in the NT, can be obtained
at theCharles Darwin University website. Go toCharles Darwin University clearance forms, then
Application for ethical clearance.
Please download an animal ethics form from theCharles Darwin University
website and complete as much of the form as possible for
field work at CDNP.
We will discuss this procedure during our next online discussion.