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Assessment Tasks

Assignments 3 & 4 (Case studies): design, plan and cost of fauna and flora surveys

Following are two case studies - one involving a fauna survey and one investigating a weed management problem. Please read both carefully. Although you are not required to hand this in until later in the semester, we would like you to read it now, so that as you work through the theory associated with the unit you can see where it is leading you.

Case study 1: Design, plan and cost a fauna survey
Case study 2: Weed monitoring in a river catchment

Due dates

Assignment 3 - Monday 23 September
Assignment 4 - Monday 21 October


Assignment 3 - 1500-2500 words
Assignment 4 - 1500-2500 words


Assignment 3 - 30%
Assignment 4 - 30%


To apply the skills you have acquired during the course to ''real life'' examples


Following the fieldwork component of the course, you will be asked to work on two case studies - designing a fauna survey and a weed management problem - providing costings and justifications for the design that you have chosen.

The information for these tasks is available on-line at the Unit homepage.

Assessment Criteria

The following are the assessment criteria for Assessment Items 3 & 4.

Title, Table of Contents and Introduction
Methodology and Justification
Costs, time and staff

Is the purpose of the study clearly stated?
Are the specific objectives outlined precisely?

Is the description of the study complete?
Is sufficient detail given to the description of the methods chosen?
Are the methods chosen justified?
Has consideration been given to advantages and disadvantages of methods chosen?
Does the choice of sampling methodology relate to studies in the literature?
Will the chosen methodology achieve the stated objectives?
Have the descriptive statistics been clearly described for the proposed data sets?
Do the descriptive statistics relate to the aims?
Identifying methods of data analysis is encouraged.

Costs, time and staff
Are costs estimates accurate and thorough?
Are staff and time estimates logical, practical and in keeping with the proposed methodology?

Are an adequate number of references used?
Is correct and consistent referencing used throughout?
Are all sources clearly acknowledged?
Is the reference list correctly presented?
Does it contain all sources used in the essay?

Is the report correctly structured (i.e. introduction, methodology and justification, summary)
Is the writing fluent and succinct?
Are spelling and punctuation correct throughout?
Are sentences grammatically well formed?
Is the text legible and well set out?

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Flora & Fauna Survey Techniques (SBI502) Faculty of Science Northern Territory University