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The set textbook for this unit is

Sutherland W.J. (ed.) (1996)
Ecological Census Techniques.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

This book provides a wealth of information on the principles and practices of survey and should be a valuable resource in the future. It is available through the Charles Darwin University bookshop (see contact directory).

Students are also directed to papers and other book chapters where appropriate. A collection of papers relevant to this unit has been compiled, and will be mailed to students at the commencement of the unit.

A list of useful websites will be available on the unit homepage and students are encouraged to add additional sites to this list.

The study materials comprise

  • the online Unit Information, which you are reading now
  • the on-line Learning Materials (Learnline). These contain core material for students to use to prepare for the residential period and to complete assessment tasks. Its main function is to guide and support learners as they work towards achieving the unit's aims
  • the online e-journal through which you will be able to participate in tutorial sessions and activities. Your participation in the e-journal is vital to you and other class members developing a learning community together
  • readings, which comprise a selection of readings from various sources. These readings have been chosen to assist you to attain the objectives of this unit, but you should not feel confined to studying only this material.
  • assignment acknowledgment cards, which must be stamped and returned to Access Services if you wish receipt of the assignment to be acknowledged.

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Flora & Fauna Survey Techniques (SBI502)