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Welcome to the unit SBI502 Flora and Fauna Survey Techniques at the Charles Darwin University. This unit is one of the core topics developed by the Tropical Savannas CRC for the Postgraduate Program in Tropical Environmental Management.

This unit has two components

  • an externally delivered aspect using on-line Web-based delivery, with supporting readings provided
  • a residential component that includes lectures, tutorials, and a field-based practical exercise.

Attendance at the residential is compulsory.

During the residential period, emphasis is placed on undertaking a field-based practical component of the course, and the subsequent data analysis and report writing.

The residential will also provide you with an opportunity to meet other students and your lecturer. This familiarity with fellow participants will stand you in good stead while you work externally and participate in online activities.

The external coursework will provide you with an overall framework for planning and undertaking flora and fauna surveys.

The work required in this unit is about one-quarter of a full-time student's sessional load.

About the lecturer

This unit is being taught by Dr Richard Noske with assistance from researchers and lecturers with a range of skills.

  • Richard Noske is a Senior Lecturer in Biology at Charles Darwin University. For the past 17 years, he has specialised in ecology of birds in Northern Australia and South-east Asia. Richard has written or co-written more than 60 scientific publications, as well as a book (2002) 'The Birds of Groote Eylandt' NTU Press. He was Editor of the Northern Territory Naturalist for four years, and now edits the Indonesian journal of ornithology. Richard has conducted fauna and flora surveys both locally (including Darwin region and Arnhem Land) and overseas (including USA, Borneo and Malaysia). He has conducted surveys of rare species, and supervised postgraduate students conducting research on threatened mammals.

Contact details
Phone: (08) 8946 6359
Fax: (08) 8946 6847
Dr Richard Noske
Faculty of Education, Health & Science (B42)
Charles Darwin University


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Flora & Fauna Survey Techniques (SBI502)