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The results of disturbance

The result of disturbance is landscape change or land transformation. Change is a normal occurrence in the history of a landscape and is not always to the disadvantage of species, like birds of prey along roadside verges. Often change is an important factor enabling the survival of some species (Forman, 1995).
Wedge tailed eagle 12kb

Forman (1995) lists six major changes due to land transformation. These are:

  • deforestation

  • suburbanisation

  • corridor construction

  • desertification

  • agricultural intensification

  • reforestation

As land transformation takes place a change in spatial pattern occurs. With each change in spatial pattern, a mosaic sequence is formed. The result is a series of patterns over time which correspond to the changes that have occurred.

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List the main types of disturbances and the sorts of changes that can result from these disturbances.




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