
Study Yolŋu Studies at CDU

Yolŋu from Arnhemland and other people from around Australian and the world study Yolŋu languages and culture at Charles Darwin University. We work with, and under the guidance and approval of the Advisors to the Yolŋu Studies Program.

Students learn Yolŋu culture and kinship as well as language. It is not possible to learn one without the other. Non-Yolŋu students start by learning about Gupapuyŋu language and culture. Later they learn about the life, land and language of other groups of people, such as Dhuwal, Dhaŋu, Djaŋu and Djinba. Yolŋu students study their own languages and connections to the Yolŋu world.

In 2024 Yolŋu languages and culture units are available under Diploma of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Certificate of Arts, Master of Arts, and 6 week short courses.

Studying on Campus

You are most welcome to attend the on-campus class in Blue precinct, Building 2.1.51 (click to open Casuarina campus map)

Semester 1 (4 Mar - 31 May 2024)  /  Semester 2 (22 July - 18 October 2024)
Undergraduate --- Yolŋu Languages and Culture 1 (YOL161)  - Tuesday 5:00 - 7:00PM
Yolŋu Languages and Culture 2 (YOL162)  - Thursday 5:00 - 7:00PM                            
                              Yolŋu Matha Conversation (YOL262) - Monday 1 on 1 face-to-face lesson

Yolŋu Literature (YOL261) - Independent study under the guidance of Yolŋu knowledge authorities
                              Language Translation and Protocols (IAS406) - Independent study under the guidance of Yolŋu knowledge authorities

Postgraduate ---   Yolŋu Languages and Culture 1 (IAS541) - Tuesday 5:00 - 7:00PM
Yolŋu Languages and Culture 2 (IAS542) - Thursday 5:00 - 7:00PM                           
                             Yolŋu Conversation 1 (IAS545) - Monday 1 on 1 face-to-face lesson
                             Yolŋu Conversation 2 (IAS546) - Monday 1 on 1 face-to-face or lesson
                             Yolŋu Literature (IAS543) - Independent study under the guidance of Yolŋu knowledge authorities
Indigenous Language Project (IAS544) - Independent study under the guidance of Yolŋu knowledge authorities

Studying Online

All Yolŋu languages and culture units are fully available for online study mode.

Semester 1 (4 Mar - 31 May 2024)  /  Semester 2 (22 July - 18 October 2024)

Undergraduate --- Yolŋu Languages and Culture 1 (YOL161)  - Tuesday 5:00 - 7:00PM
Yolŋu Languages and Culture 2 (YOL162)  - Thursday 5:00 - 7:00PM                            
                              Yolŋu Matha Conversation (YOL262) - Monday 1 on 1 online lesson
Yolŋu Literature (YOL261) - Independent study under Yolŋu guidance
                              Language Translation and Protocols (IAS406) - Independent study under Yolŋu guidance

Postgraduate ---   Yolŋu Languages and Culture 1 (IAS541) - Tuesday 5:00-7:00PM
                             Yolŋu Languages and Culture 2 (IAS542) - Thursday 5:00-7:00PM                            
                             Yolŋu Conversation 1
(IAS545) - Monday
1 on 1 online lesson
                            Yolŋu Conversation 2 (IAS546)  - Monday 1 on 1 online lesson
                             Yolŋu Literature (IAS543) - Independent study under Yolŋu guidance
Indigenous Language Project (IAS544) - Independent study under Yolŋu guidance

6-week short courses (digital badges)

In Semester 1 2024, Yolŋu Studies offers two short courses: Introductory and Intermediate learning of Yolŋu Languages and Culture for anyone interested in learning Yolŋu languages and culture. A micro badge will be issued for the completion (6 weeks participation + translation assignments) of respective courses. For those who are keen to continue studying Yolŋu languages and culture, the completion of these two short courses entitles you to credit transfer into Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Certificate of Arts, or Master of Arts at CDU. 

Course Dates:
  22 July - 6 September 2024. Introductory learners of Yolŋu languages and culture
  9 September - 18 October. 2024 Intermediate learners of Yolŋu languages and culture

Introductory course: here
Intermediate course: here

Contact or 08 8946 6278 for more information.