Biological diversity
Biodiversity is a relatively new term, first used in 1981. Since
then it has become one of the most widely used terms in biological
conservation. Simply put, it represents the variety of all living
organisms, including diversity within species, between species and
of ecosystems.
The majority of flora and fauna surveys estimate only one or two
levels of biodiversity, these being the species level, and community
or ecosystem level. Surveys of intra-species diversity (which are
usually genetic studies) require much more effort and complex methods
in order to document even the genotypes present in a single population
of a single species.
The paper by Harper and Hawksworth (1995) (Reading 1) introduces
the term 'biodiversity' and discusses some of the difficulties in
trying to measure it.
Please read:
Reading 1
Harper, J.L & Hawksworth, D.L. (1995). Preface to Biodiversity:
Measurement and Estimation. In: Hawksworth, D. L. (eds.),
Biodiversity: Measurement and Estimation. Chapman and
Hall, London.
1. Environment Australia's Biodiversity Group
Major commonwealth government department responsible for
research into Australia's biodiversity. Many links to other
state-based projects and international conventions.
2. Defenders of Biodiversity
An article about the threats to biodiversity and the biosphere,
reproduced from DEFENDERS Magazine, Summer 1993 issue.
3. Charles Sturt University
Provides links to Australian and overseas biodiversity websites.
4. Australian Biological Research Network virtual library
Provides links to Australian and overseas conservation websites.
5. Centre for Biodiversity and Bioresources, Macquarie University
This Centre undertakes research and education projects on
Australia's biological diversity.
After exploring these resources, please make notes on
the definition of biodiversity, and the objectives and methods
of sampling it. This will form the basis of our next online