Faculty of SITE Northern Territory University Flora & Fauna Survey Techniques
what is flora and fauna survey?
why survey?
factors to consider
preparing to sample
flora survey techniques
fauna survey techniques
analysing data
initial considerations
types of statistical analysis
presenting data

Parametric vs Non-parametric statistics

Before you perform any statistical analysis the characteristics of the data you have collected must be established. This will provide you with the information to choose between the two major groups of statistical analyses - parametric or non-parametric tests.

Parametric tests
In general, parametric tests

  • compare differences between means
  • are used with interval or ratio level data
  • require large sample sizes
  • require data to be normally distributed
  • are more sensitive (have more statistical power) than non-parametric methods

Examples of parametric tests include are the t-test, ANOVA and regression.

Non-parametric tests
Non-parametric tests tend to be simpler than parametric tests, and are generally used

  • to compare differences between medians
  • if data are ranked or nominal
  • where sample sizes are small
  • when data are not normally distributed

Examples of non-parametric tests are the Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Chi-squared test and Spearman's rank correlation.

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last updated by lrp@cdu.edu.au 6 August, 2004
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