interaction design: building an ePortfolio
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Startup: getting to know one another

getting to know one another

To work together you first need to get to know one another so complete the following activities to begin the getting to know process.

Step 1: Introduce yourselves

  • Introduce yourselves to one another. Mention:
    • the program of study you are doing
    • the year of your degree
    • what you hope to do with your degree
    • why you are doing the unit
  • External students, post an introduction on the discussion board
  • Please NOTE: if you have an external student in your group - make sure you introduce yourselves to one another.

Step 2: Making your group work

Step 3: Appoint some group roles

  • Read through the group roles
  • Nominate a role: Each memeber of the group needs to nominate initially what they will feel comfortable doing.
  • External students: Remember to include your external member if you have one. It is inappropriate for an external student to take on this role for the first session (unless the group is completely external. If this is the case, then all conversations initially will need to be through the discussion board in Learnline).
  • All group members need to try a couple of the roles listed in the first few weeks. After week 3 you may find it more convenient to settle on more consistent roles.
  • Today's Discussion Leader: The Discussion Leader needs to help focus the group's activities for the rest of the first session.

Step 4: Develop your startup

  • Share expertise & skills: To begin all members of the group should share their strengths and interests in terms of IT. For example what are you good at: programming, databases, usability, analysis, problem solving. (If you have external group members, make sure take notes so that this information can be shared with them)
  • Analyse skills: Are there any skills your group may not have if you are going to develop a start up (If you have external group members, make sure take notes so that this information can be shared with them)
  • Explore your personal style with a Myers Briggs Type indicator. Choose one of the two online tests. Find your type and read online the strengths and weaknesses of this type.
  • Are you an “N”? Share your type and a brief overview with your group. Do you have N’s in your group. According to Saffer (2006) many interaction designers tend to be strong in this area of the Myers Briggs Type.
  • Develop a company name (Don’t forget to include your external group member in your decisions)
  • Organise who is doing what in relation for the tasks for this week

Note: All this information needs to be included in the website which is Assessment 1.


learning tasks develop a company website what is web 2.0? what is interaction design? what is an ePortfolio get to know one another Develop a company website What is Web 2.0? what is interaction design
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