interaction design: building an ePortfolio
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Startup: what is web 2.0

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a hype term that began appearing in internet news articles in 2005 (O'Reilly). Michael Platt (2006) suggests that Web 2.0 is about:

  • Network and devices as a platform
  • Data consumption and remixing
  • Continuous update
  • Rich and interactive UI
  • Architecture of participation

Step 1: Defining Web 2.0

  • Find out about Web 2.0 using the resources provided. Answering the following questions:
    • What is web 2.0?
    • What are the features of web 2.0? (O’Reilly outlines 7 principles)
    • What are some examples of Web 2.0 applications – how do they use the principles/characteristics you have identified?
  • Take notes from the sources provided to answer these questions. Make sure that you accurately record what information came from what source.

Step 2: How is your company a Web 2.0 company?

  • Read the Bulletin article (Oct 24, 2006) The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth to get an Australian perspective on the Web 2.0 business developments
  • Write a brief overview (750 words) of Web 2.0 indicating how your company is a web 2.0 developer? Make sure you include:
    • a definition of Web 2.0 (appropriately acknowledged)
    • features of Web 2.0 (acknowledged as appropriate)
    • how your company is planning to develop Web 2.0 apps.
  • Document requirements


learning tasks get to know one another Develop a company website what is interaction design? what is an ePortfolio get to know one another Develop a company website What is Web 2.0? what is an ePortfolio get to know one another what is web 2.0? what is interaction design? what is an ePortfolio develop a company website what is web 2.0? what is interaction design? what is an ePortfolio get to know one another Develop a company website What is Web 2.0? what is interaction design
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