
These are the learning resources for e-Portfolio - startup tasks. Other learning resources are available through the task list above.


Getting to know one another

Step 4: Develop your startup

Free online Myers Briggs tests

  1. Cognitive Processes
    Has 48 questions (5 point Likert scale)
    At the end you are assessed with one of the Myers Briggs profiles with pages that explain each type.
  2. Personality Tests
    (5 point Likert scale) Site that has a range of tests –including Myers Briggs which provides a type indicator after a series of questions ( has a couple of different Myers Briggs scoring tools)

Website Development

Step 1: What type of site
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Competitive Analysis examples

Step 2: Who will use your site
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User profiling

Examples of Personas

There are many ways you can turn your user profiling data into a persona.
Here are some examples:

Step 3: Develop your site
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Website Templates

You are not expected to develop your website from scratch, There are a range of open source sites that enable you to download templates and build from there.

Here are two to get you started:

Web 2.0

Step 1: Defining Web 2.0

Defining Web 2.0

Web 2.0 Resource Compilation sites

  • Web 2.0 Explanations and definitions: A review
    A 2005 article by Dion Hinchcliffe who lists a range of articles that explain Web 2.0 and then provides his own schematic of the field.
  • All Things Web 2.0
    A website that not only lists the many categories and examples of web 2.0 applications but lists all resources etc developed to date about web 2.0. A comprehensive list.
  • Web 2.0 Web Group
    The Web 2.0 Workgroup is a network of premium weblogs that write content about the new generation of the Web.

Step 2: How is your company a Web 2.0 company?


Gliddon, J (2006) The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth. The Bulletin with Newsweek Oct 24, 2006: 24-27 [ Tools will show you how to find this article online]


Step 1: What are ePortfolios?

  • Butler, P 2006 A Review Of The Literature On Portfolios And Electronic Portfolios. Research Paper, EPortfolio Project, Massey University, New Zealand. Viewed 5 November, 2006 < Project Research Report.pdf>.
  • Jafari, A 2004 The ‘Sticky” ePortfolio System:Tackling Challenges & Identifying Attributes: EDUCAUSE Review July/August. Viewed 5 November, 2006 <>.
    Very useful article written from more of an IT perspective – very relevant to the interaction design process.
  • Lorenzo, G and Ittelson, J 2005 An Overview of E-Portfolios EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Paper 1 Viewed 5 November, 2006 <>.
    Lots of examples provided. A comprehensive article that outlines the basics of e-portfolios and also identifies a whole range of issues for the interaction designer to consider when building such a tool.
  • Siemens, G 2004 ePortfolios Elearnspace:everything elearning viewed September 29, 2006 <>
    A useful article as it poses the possibility the simple social networking tools may be more powerful manifestations of how to create an e-portfolio than the more complex standardised institutional systems.

Interaction design

Step1: Interactive products, interactive websites
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Machine and people-centred views
excerpt from Benyon, Turner & Turner, 2005

Step 2: Interaction Design case studies
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  • Soundflavor: an online music website and application
  • Design Council Website: Flow Interactive outline how the Interaction Design process to redesign a website that enabled easy access to resources.
  • Mobile Interaction Design Case Study: From, Timo Arnal, a Norwegian interaction designer and researcher,this case study outlines how a mobile social entertainment system was designed for a mobile services company. Very interesting!
  • MySpace Case Study: This case study looks at how MySpace, a hugely popular online meeting place, is an example of social interaction design.
  • IDEO’s Shopping Cart Concept: One of many examples of interaction design in this site. Check out how the work of interaction design is summarised here.
  • An online horse racing magazine: The design behind an interactive, databased driven commercial website.

Step 3: Defining Interaction Design
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Overviews of interaction design

More quirky sites

Readings about Interaction Design



interaction design