interaction design

Tools: Startup

Referencing online information

Harvard Referencing Style

Use the CDU guide
Harvard Referencing Style

Many of the sources that you use in this unit will be accessed online. So it is important that you know how to correctly cite these sources using Harvard Referencing style.

If you are not sure how to do this try these practice exercises.

To begin, download the CDU Harvard Referencing Guide. Look up what it says about how to reference internet sources.

1. Reference a website

Write a reference for Open Source Web Design

Show me

The guide provides this advice for a web site
Author/Organisation Site date, name of the sponsor of the source, place, date of viewing, <URL>.

The reference:
Sketting, K, 2007 Open Source Web Design, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, viewed day Month year,
< />.

To find this information – the About Us and Footer sections of the site was viewed

2. Reference Wikipedia

Write a reference for Wikipedia's definition of Web 2.0

Show me

The guide provides this advice for a website document
Author/editor Date of document, Title of document – italicised, name of the sponsor of the source, date of viewing, <URL>.

The reference:
Wikipedia 2006, Web 2.0 Wikimedia Foundation, viewed day Month year,

To find the name of the sponsor – the Footer information was used

3. Reference an article from a website

Write a reference for Tim OReilly's article on Web 2.0

Show me

The guide provides this advice for a website document
Author/editor Date of document, Title of document – italicised, name of the sponsor of the source, date of viewing, <URL>.

The reference:
O’Reilly, T. 2005 What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software. O’Reilly Media , viewed February 09 2006,
< >

To find the name of the organisation– the Footer information was used

Write a reference for Ali Jafari's article on Eportfolios in Educause Review

Show me

The guide provides this advice for a website document
Author/editor Date of document, Title of document – italicised, name of the sponsor of the source, date of viewing, <URL>.

The reference:
Jafari, A. 2004 The ‘Sticky” ePortfolio System:Tackling Challenges & Identifying Attributes. EDUCAUSE Review July/August. Viewed 5 November, 2006,


4. Reference an article from an online database

Write a reference for the following journal article:
Jokela, T., Koivumaa, J., Pirkola, J., Salminen, P., and Kantola, N. 2006. Methods for quantitative usability requirements: a case study on the development of the user interface of a mobile phone.

Show me

The guide provides this advice for a Website document
Author(s) of article - surname and initials Year of publication, ‘Title of article - in single quotation marks’, Journal name - italicised, volume number, issue number, page number(s), viewed month date, year, name of database.

The reference:
Jokela, T., Koivumaa, J., Pirkola, J., Salminen, P., and Kantola, N. 2006. ‘Methods for quantitative usability requirements: a case study on the development of the user interface of a mobile phone. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing vol. 10, no. 2, (October) pp.1-10, viewed 02 February 2007, ACM Digital Library.
