interaction design: building an ePortfolio
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Startup: what is an ePortfolio


ePortfolios: the show and tell platform of the millennium (Cohn and Hibbits, 2004)

The latest software trend sweeping higher education institutions in the past three years is the development of ePorfolios: stand alone systems, open source initiatives or a plug in to other systems. They can be very simple or very complex.

If you are going to have to build one, you first need to know more about them.

Step 1: What are ePortfolios?

If you are going to have to build an ePortfolio, you first need to know more about them.

  • research ePortfolios
    • Either do your own searching, or
    • use the articles provided in Resources
  • read at least two articles
  • find the following information:
    • What are ePortfolios? ( types/purposes)
    • What functions do they provide
    • What features can they have
    • What are some issues to consider when building them?

Step 2: Prepare an ePortfolio briefing paper

  • include the following content (750 words)
    • What are ePortfolios? ( types/purposes)
    • What functions do they provide
    • What features can they have
    • What are some issues to consider when building them?
  • Document requirements



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