Effect of forest fragmentation on birds Canopy height and
(1980) statistically analysed the relative contributions that vegetation
factors, isolation and area of patch, had on bird community composition.
He found that canopy height and forest isolation were consistently the
most important predictors of abundance for the 51 bird species he analysed.
These factors accounted for 21 significant correlations whereas patch
area accounted for 6 significant correlations. Lynch
and Whigham (1984) showed that within a range of patch areas (5-1000
ha) and isolations (0.1-1km), it was vegetation characteristics rather
than patch geometry that had a dominant role in determining the community
composition and local abundance of bird species. This means that species
distribution is related to a complex interrelationship between area, isolation,
canopy height, tree density and other habitat characteristics rather than
one specific patch characteristic. Some species seem to be tolerant of a certain
degree of habitat disturbance. They can make use of the edge habitat that
can be introduced because of fragmentation quite well. Others, eg highly
migratory species, tend to respond negatively to habitat fragmentation
and a reduction in floristic and structural diversity of breeding habitat.