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What do we mean by landscape?

Think! What comes to mind when someone mentions 'landscape'?

Do this
Identify a landscape
Why do this?
These pictures demonstrate different resolutions of imagery for the Milton Ulladulla area of New South Wales. Which do you think is a 'landscape'?

Satellite Image
Aerial Photo
Scenic Photo

Move the 'landscape' label onto the correct picture.

(Do you want to see larger versions? The linked page shows all three at full size -42kb)

One scientific definition of a landscape is 'a heterogeneous land area composed of a cluster of interacting ecosystems that is repeated in a similar form throughout' (Forman and Godron, 1986).

Other definitions include:

  • a picture representing a view of natural and inland scenery

  • a portion of land or expanse of natural scenery as seen by the eye in a single view (Forman and Godron, 1986)
Think! How do these definitions relate to your original ideas? Which one is better than the others, or, is there a better one you can offer?


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