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What's happening in New England?

This case study investigates the impacts of human activity (disturbance) on grassland landscapes in Australia typified by the New England rangelands.

The environmental problem
About the New England project
Original landscape and causes of change
The landscape today
Consequences of changing landscape
Relevance to north Australian landscapes
Implications for land management

Although grassland landscapes in different regions of Australia vary, the underlying problems facing grasslands are similar, and are largely associated with grazing intensity.

The impacts of grazing throughout Australia have resulted in a different structure, a more variegated landscape than a fragmented one. Nevertheless, current agricultural practises are unsustainable and a decline of native species has been observed.

This case study represents a model of land transformation that is common in Australia and that may also be relevant to understanding rangeland landscapes in the tropical north of Australia. The Department of Ecosystem Management, University of New England and CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures carried out the work that is examined in detail in this case study.

We are grateful to Sue McIntyre for allowing this project to be used as a case study and Tara Martin for supplying information on this project.



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