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The data

The data used in this case study exists as two raw videography images of the Kidman springs area that are situated on calcareous red loam soil. These images have been classified into five land cover types - canopy, shadow, bare soil, perennials and annuals. One of these sites is very close to a watering hole; the other is in what was considered to be an exclosure that is within an area which is unlikely to have been grazed by cattle.

Kidman Springs 1 (KS1)

0-50 metres 14kb
KS1  0-50 metres
50-100 metres 15kb
KS1  50-100 metres

Kidman Springs 5 (KS5)

0-50 metres 20kb
KS5  0-50 metres
50-100 metres 21kb
KS5  50-100 metres



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