What is a database?

Physical modelOften abbreviated to DB, a database is a collection of records made up of fields stored in a file. A telephone book is a database. It contains a list of records, each record has three fields: name, address and telephone number. The telephone book is of course, a hard copy of a database stored on a computer. This first topic looks at:

  • basic concepts and definitions of databases
  • why we use databases
  • the standard query language

Concepts & definitions

Ch1 pp 39-41

To begin to understand more about what a database is, read the excerpt from the first chapter of your text: Modern Database Management . This reading gives an introduction to databases, and outlines some basic concepts and definitions. As you read note:

  • the difference between Data, Information and Metadata
  • what is meant by a Database Management System (DBMS)

Have a
                  go: telephone book


Why databases?

Ch1 pp 42-43

Databases solve a problem with the way data was conventionally stored.

Traditional file systems
We need to look at how data was conventionally stored before going any further. The next reading from your text Traditional File Processing Systems provides an overview as well as the disadvantages of traditional file systems.

Ch1 pp 44-50

The database approach
Now we can look at the advantages and disadvantages of using a database. This reading The Database Approach uses the Pine Valley Furniture Company to justify the decision to go to a relational database.


Structured Query Language (SQL)

Ch6 pp 277-280

Relational databases uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to access the database.

The next reading introduces SQL, explains its role and gives some historical background. As you read, concentrate on developing a feel for SQL’s place and role, without worrying overly about the details.

SQL can be divided into three groups:

  1. DDL – Data Definition Language
  2. DML – Data Manipulation Language
  3. DCL – Data Control Language
Ch6 pp 280-285

It is important to understand this grouping, as the rest of this module, Using a database and the last module Advanced SQL will be based around these groups. This reading goes over the SQL environment and the functions of each group.

While there is a series of standards for SQL, most commercially available packages do not always adhere to these. The good news is that the deviations tend to be minor.


INVOICE Database

The INVOICE database will be used for practicals in this unit This is a relational database consisting of four tables.

Have a
                  go: relationships

              your hands dirty

Student information

1. Redesign Table 1.1, in Ch 1 p. 41 of your textbook to reflect enrolment practices at CDU.

  • For example, we don’t use Social Security number nor have Majors. What do we use instead?
  • What would be the appropriate metadata for these alternatives?

Show me

Name Type Length Min Max Description Source
Unit Alphanumeric 30     Course ID and name Academic Unit
Mode Alpha 1     Internal or External Student Services
Semester Integer 1 0 5 Semester Student Services
Year Integer 4 1980 2100 Year Student Services
Name Alphanumeric 30     Student name Student Services
sID Integer 6     Student ID Student Services

2. Extend your table from question One to include the extra metadata columns:

  • Required: is an entry required for this field or can it be left blank?
  • Input Mask: what patterns does the information have to follow? For example, what pattern does your student number have?

Show me

Name Type Length Required Input Maks Min Max Description Source
Unit Alphanumeric 30 Yes 3 alpha, 3 Integers     Course ID and name Academic Unit
Mode Alpha 1 Yes I or E     Internal or External Student Services
Semester Integer 1 Yes   0 5 Semester Student Services
Year Integer 4 Yes   1980 3000 Year Student Services
Name Alphanumeric 30 Yes       Student name Student Services
sID Integer 6 Yes       Student ID Student Services