Contested Knowledges
The Office Information Resources Assessment Notices Discussions Student Web Pages


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Assignment Two: Issue Contributions to Minor Topic

Due date:

Monday, Week 9


200 words for each contribution




Make at least six contributions to the discussions lists about an issue being researched by another student, providing resources, interesting article references or important points to consider when they construct their major assignment on that issue.

During the course of this unit, you will have the chance to investigate both a major and minor topic on a 'contested' issue. Your major topic will be the subject of your major written assignment - the website you construct. This assignment is the assessment on your contribution to your minor topic.

Part of the process of developing the website about the issues you have discussed in Assignment Three, is to assess and include the contributions made by the other students in the class, to the discussion on your issue. This assessment is based upon the contributions that you make to the web sites of other students (the ones they are constructing for their major assignment). You need to read, discuss and generally seek out information, sites and articles that will help other students successfully complete their major assignment task.

At the beginning of the semester, check out what issues the other students are going to investigate for their major assignment. They (and you) will post their decision on the noticeboard by the end of the second week. Once you are aware of the issues that other students are investigating, you need to begin looking for information on those topics as well to assist them in their study.

Once you have found something interesting, post it to the relevant issue site on the Contested Knowledges Jottit site, with a short annotation about why it is interesting and what you see is important in that article, website, document or program.

To complete this assessment, you need to make at least six (6) contributions to the information and discussion on the issues being investigated by the other students in the class. It is worth trying to keep to one topic so that you are getting deeper into the ideas in another of the issues addressed within the unit, but feel free to contribute to other issue discussions if you find something useful in your reading 'travels'.

When you have finished this assessment task, email me with a list of your six main contributions so that I can re-check them and complete the assessment.

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Last Modified:12 Feb 2016