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Management for sustainability

Combining agriculture and conservation
Cooperation and conflict resolution


Conservation problems cannot be isolated from the problems of land degradation in the agricultural matrix, so it is necessary to integrate management for both conservation and sustainability.

Conservation plans should:

  • take into account socio-economic factors. After all, people are trying to make a living out of the land and conservation management needs to be sympathetic to that.

  • integrate the local human community into management of conservation areas. This can improve the local economy in the long term and decrease problems associated with wildlife management. Schemes in African and Indian rangelands have proved that local level conservation can be more effective.


Combining agriculture and conservation

Agricultural production and conservation can co-exist. It is possible that solutions to agricultural problems can also alleviate some of the problems associated with habitat and species loss.

For example,

  • waterlogging and salination and wind and water erosion can be controlled by revegetation.

  • well-planned revegetation can also help local biota

  • planted windbreaks can become corridors which establish important links between isolated remnants.


Cooperation and conflict resolution

To achieve successful integrated management cooperation is needed between owners and managers. With cooperation and negotiation mutually acceptable compromises can be reached. Conflict resolution can be aided by using land use planning models and decision support systems such as LUPIS (Land Use Planning Information System), developed by DWE CSIRO. This is an important use for information technology in land management.

Reading 1.10 Hobbs, R. J. and Lambeck, R. (2002).  An integrated approach to landscape science and management.



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