Activity 8 - Answers


Image of an intertidal shore, with the tide in (upper diagram) and out (lower diagram). Three starfish are present: one under a rock, the second on top of the rock and the third in a rock pool.

Possible responses are below.


  Starfish A Starfish B Starfish C
Light The light level will be a little higher when the tide is out, because there is no water but the animal is still shaded by the rock The light level will be quite a bit higher when the tide is out, because the animal is no longer covered by the water The light level will be higher when the tide is out, because the water depth will be shallower
Temperature Temperature will probably be a little higher when the tide is out as the animal will no longer be cooled by the seawater; temperature may also be more variable during the period when the tide is out Temperature will probably be higher, perhaps considerably higher, when the tide is out as the animal is on a dark surface, exposed to full sun; temperature may also be more variable during the period when the tide is out   Temperature will probably be higher when the tide is out as the animal as the water in the rock pool will be warmed by the sun; as the pool is shallow the water may become very hot, possibly exceeding the air temperature, as it is heated by the dark rock; temperature may also be rather more variable during the period when the tide is out
Oxygen level Oxygen level will probably be higher when the tide is out because oxygen diffuses more rapidly through air than water and the animal is initially in a position where water movement may be limited Oxygen level will probably be a bit higher when the tide is out because the animal is exposed to the air but the animal is in a location where currents and waves would bring oxygenated water even when the tide is in Oxygen level may drop when the tide is out if organisms in the pool use oxygen faster than it can diffuse from the water surface
Salinity When the tide is in, the water will be at normal salinity for the region (except during the wet season when runoff may lower salinity) When the tide is in, the water will be at normal salinity for the region (except during the wet season when runoff may lower salinity) When the tide is out, salinity will probably increase as water evaporates from the pool (except during the wet season when runoff may lower salinity dramatically)
Other comments The animal under the rock is largely sheltered from waves and currents but could suffer if storms disturb the rock The animal will probably be exposed to lower physical forces when the tide is out; it is exposed to waves and currents where it is The animal will probably be exposed to somewhat lower physical forces when the tide is out; it is somewhat exposed to waves and currents where it is

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