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Topic 1.1 Ecosystem Services

The Link to Population Growth and Resource Consumption

1. Ecosystem Services: Population and Resource Consumption

Ecosystem services are essential for providing the basic needs of human populations as well as the "wants" and desired level of consumption.

Levels of human consumption, waste production and population growth have dramatic effects on ecosystems and their ability to provide ecosystem services

These two issues will be discussed further in the module on "Population and Consumption"

2.Ecosystem Services: Population and Environmental Impact

As a result of present patterns and means of consumption human populations have had significant effects on virtually all ecosystems on earth.

Many of these impacts have produced or are producing detrimental effects and environmental problems or issues. However, understanding the vital role of ecosystems, and the species they contain, in providing ecosystem services can point the way forward to achieving ecologically sustainable development.

These concepts will be discussed for a number of key environmental issues during the bulk of this course, Weeks 4-10.