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Topic 1.1 Ecosystem Services

Interactions Between Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem services are linked and NO SERVICE ACTS IN ISOLATION. This is largely because the same populations of species, geological elements and other components of natural capital are involved in multiple ecosystem functions and therefore a number of different ESS.

Activity 1.4

Miller & Spoolman (2012), page 67, Fig 3-16 describes the hydrological cycle as a cycle of natural renewal of water quality. Consider the components of this environment and the multiple ways that each provides ecosystem services. For example, the atmosphere forms clouds from the water cycle in the hydrological cycle, and it also acts as a nitrogen sink in the nitrogen cycle, and is involved in climate regulation also refer to Fig 3-19, 3-20, 3-21, 3-22.

List at least four other ecosystem services provided by the oceans and the vegetation in the figure below.

Water Cycle


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