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Knowledges: The us of Fire in Top End Land Management
Contested Knowledges: The us of Fire in Top End Land Management
Contested Knowledges: The us of Fire in Top End Land Management


Contested Knowledges
Indigenous Science
Non-Indigenous Science
Speaking to Each Other




Non Indigenous Science and Land Management


Science in western society is removed from the general public's experience. In indigenous society, science is integrated into the cultural practices.

I feel (from an indigenous perspective) western scientists conduct test on the environment without recognising the results of the Traditional Owners (TO) care for the land. The results of TO's care for the land is a healthy environment. Scientists seem to feel the need to measure small sections of the land and create models for the rest of the environment. The science inherent in TO knowledge needs to be incorporated into western practices more fully.

The Northern Territory Bushfire council management policy "is to protect life, assets and the environment from the effects of uncontrolled fire, and the maintenance of natural resources, including native ecosystems and productive lands, by the use of appropriate fire regimes." (Bushfire Council, 1993).

There is no recognition of the cultural role of fire in relation to the land.


Jeremy Russell- Smith, from the Bushfire council of the NT said that "Fire is a subject that's fundamental to all people on the land across northern Australia pastoralists, aborigines, and conservationists. The real task before us is the management of it."(1998)

Alan Anderson argues that fire managers in the Northern Australia needs to become more preoccupied with controlling fire and more focussed on the ecological outcomes rather than on prescribed burning pattens (Anderson, 1999).

Scientist argues that fire management is all about management of the land, Aboriginal people would properly agree but each manager is different, changing old people ways is sometimes like talking to a brick wall, Indigenous or non indigenous. Some people will disagree with this comment because; there are so many conflicting arguments and issues. In summing up there has to be a holistic approach to benefit all human beings.


Previously, Aboriginal practices included a varied fire regime. Today, historical Aboriginal fire practices have been mistakenly described as repetitive, rather than varied. Aboriginal people were hunters and gathers and used fire for culture reasons. Today a lot of fire management is for the sake of protection of property. We should aim for a combination of traditional and current fire regimes for the sake of the country.





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