Assignment 2

Student Presentations

Some potential presentation topics:


  • How landscapes absorb carbon – the process of photosynthesis
  • Impact of climate change of vegetation water use efficiency – implications for water resources
  • Savanna fires and nitrogen balance – what happens if we change the fire regime?

Disturbance ecology

  • Cyclones and rainforest succession
  • Exotic species introductions and influence on Australian ecosystems
  • Disturbance and ecological succession
  • Why are rainforest so diverse? The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis and biodiversity
  • Fire severity and tree: grass balance in tropical savannas

Climate change

  • The physics of the natural and enhanced greenhouse effect
  • Climate change controversy: what controversy?
  • Global warming and the temperature responses of plant respiration and photosynthesis
  • Impacts of climate change on Australian agricultural productivity