interaction design


Assessment 1: Company Website

Date Due:

Week 9


- Website that includes all documentation from ePortfolio Learning Tasks
- Peer evaluation


- 35% HIT381
- 25% HIT541


In your project group, collaboratively build a website for your startup company which illustrates fully the interaction design process used to develop your first product: an ePortfolio.

Website Technical Specs

  1. Site must conform to W3C XHTML Strict Doctypes (XHTML 1.0 or HTML 4.01) and CSS specifications.
  2. No table based layouts can be used as mobile access will be necessary
  3. UTF 8 encoding is required
  4. Site should work across all platforms and browsers
  5. Site will be uploaded onto Nutmeg server which has access both on and off campus
  6. All work must be valid and accessible (WCAG AA specs) for both people and devices

Assessment criteria
Website criteria

Website Content

  1. Content structure:
    Some of the content on your site should include:
    About the company
    Design processes
    Staff (expertise and skills)
    The site must include the following content:
    What is Web 2.0?
    What are ePortfolios?
    What is Interaction Design?
    You will need to decide where and how these can be incorporated
    Your site will eventually incorporate a Blog
    Please design for it
    Each week more content will be added to your website
    Design with navigation options that can be readily expanded
  2. Weekly contributions: Each week, students are required in workshops to undertake a series of practical activities. All of these activities which require an artefact to be produced needs to be published in your website. Details of weekly tasks are outlined in the Interaction Design site: ePortfolios
  3. Artefacts: Artefacts may include: briefing papers in html; code examples; drawings done in word or other packages; powerpoint files etc
  4. Authorship: All documents in the website need to outline the content authors in both the metadata and footer of the document.
    Note: where the task requires an html output (eg briefing paper etc), the content author/s are responsible for producing that.

Assessment criteria
Group Survey(63K)

Peer Evaluation

  1. There will be a peer assessment “survey” where you will be responsible for evaluating your fellow group members’ performance on the web project.
  2. You will also need to evaluate your own performance as a group member.
  3. Your assessment will be confidential, and its contents will not be given to members of the class; however, if problems associated with the functioning of a group surface, issues will be discussed with group members without identifying any group member individually.
  4. The survey will be conducted twice during the project – at Week 4 and Week 8.

Submission requirements

  1. Websites should be uploaded to the School of IT’s Nutmeg server from Week 2.
  2. Periodic checks will be made on the progress of the content development of the site
  3. All content should be finalised by Monday, Week 9.