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Development and production team 2004

Course writer: Sylvia Kleinert
Educational designer: Jennifer Evans
Graphic /web designer: Helen Rysavy
Library consultant: Peta Kruse
from Charles Darwin University


We would like to thank the following people and organisations for their assistance and kind permission for the use of copyright materials:

Balarinji - All artwork © Balarinji 2003 www.jumbana.com.au

Richard Bell - for Richard Bell Scientia E Metaphysica (Bell's Theorem) 2003 Synthetic polymer paint on canvas 240 x 240cm, Telstra Collection, Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory.
Reproduced with permission of the artist.

Phaidon Press - for permission to reproduce the cover image of: Howard Morphy, Aboriginal Art 1998.
Image: Mundarrg, Waijara Spirit with Wallaby and Honey-Collecting Bags, 1979.
Description: Natural pigments on bark; 99x43.5 cm, 39x171/8 in.
Location of work: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin.
Photo-credit: Bridgeman Art Library, London. Copyright (c) Maningrida Arts and Culture, Winnellie.


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