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Technologies: semantic mark-up and XML


HTML is basically a language used to present information to a browser or other user-agents like mobile devices. Content in HTML traditionally uses a combination of presentational and semantic (descriptive) mark-up.

Revise your understandings of semantic HTML.

NOTE: The first two tasks should be completed in pairs and then shared.

Step 1: What is semantic mark-up?

  • Three resources are provided for you to revise the concept of semantic markup and why its important.
  • As you read note:
    • why it’s important to use semantic mark-up.
    • what are the differences between semantic mark-up and presentational mark-up?
    • Semantic mark-up is often confused with the Semantic Web. They are not the same. How is semantic mark-up different to the semantic web?
  • Write a brief overview (300 words max) about semantic mark-up to demonstrate your understandings
    • include the answers to the questions asked above, and
    • explain how you have separated the content and presentation in your web site?
  • Post your overview of semantic mark-up in your website under Technologies.

Step 2: Extensible Mark-up Language (XML) & XHTML

  • Four resources are provided for you to develop your understandings of the relationship between XHTML and XML.
  • Explore the resources and answer the following questions:
    • What is XML, and list several applications of XML?
    • How are XML, HTML and XHTML related?
    • List five XML syntax rules which apply to XHTML.
    • Check the mark-up in your Company website pages and replace presentational mark-up with descriptive mark-up where possible. Note what you have changed and what is not possible to change, and why.
  • Write a brief overview (300 words max) about XML and its relationship to XHTML answering the questions above.
  • Information should be posted in your website under Technologies


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