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Technologies: create a group blog


As part of your group web site you will need to have a group blog. You could create one from scratch using Ruby on Rails, but why not use resources that are already out there on the web?

NOTE: The Discussion leader this week could invite those who are interested in this task to complete the work for the group. There are two parts – the technical: creating the blog; the information: first blog post.

Step 1: Overview of how to create a blog from web resources

  • To create a blog for your website, you will need to:
    • register your group blog with one of the many blog providers, and then
    • link to your blog from your web site, and your web site to your blog.
    • Alternatively host the blog on your server (i.e. nutmeg).
  • Once you have your blog you should modify it to have a similar look and feel as your web site. In fact the blog could just as easily be your home page.
  • A good example of this process is found at Darwin Netball Association.
    NOTE how the ‘home’ page (which is the actual blog) is on a different domain compared to the other pages on the site.

Step 2: Create your website blog

  • Use one of the many blog providers to register your group blog.
  • The blog should be embellished with the same look and feel as your website.
  • The blog may be linked to from your web site or you may want to host the blog on your server (i.e. from a provider like

Step 3: Hosting your blog on 'nutmeg' (optional)

  • If you decide to host the blog on ‘nutmeg’ then you’ll need the following details:
    • Choose Secure FTP (SFTP) over ordinary FTP where required.
    • FTP server:
    • Blog URL: (substitute your student number for sXXXXXX
    • FTP path: /home/student/sXXXXXX/public_html/
    • FTP Username: sXXXXXX
    • FTP Password: **********

Step 4: First blog posting

  • For your first entry for your blog, address the following questions:
    • What advantages do blogs have over static web pages?
    • What advantages and disadvantages does the method of linking to blogs from your site’s domain present?
    • What advantages and disadvantages does hosting your blog on your server present?
    • Visit What does Technorati do? What does Technorati mean by ‘claiming your blog’?


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