What are prototypes?

What are prototypes?

Where is it used in the ixd process?

compare ideas

From Moggridge, 2007,p. 648 Designing Interactions,

Prototypes are representations of a design made before the final solution exists.
They are created to inform both design processes and design decisions
Prototypes range from sketches and different kinds of models at various levels:
looks like;  behaves like; works like;  to explore and communicate propositions about the design and its context.
There are three  categories of prototyping techniques

Prototyping is a key activity within the design of interactive systems.

Designing for InteractionSaffer (2007, p. 114) takes a different view. He suggests that “prototyping is where, finally, all the pieces of the design come together in a holistic unit. Like all other models and diagrams, it is a tool for communicating. Prototypes communicate the message :
’This is what it could be like’
To design is to prototype!.



Mobile Interaction DesignJones and Marsden (2006, p. 170) Essentially a prototype lets you express a design idea as quickly as possible. For programmers, it is easier to create an interface skeleton in Visual Basic than sketch the equivalent interface with pencil and paper . For designers, sketching may be the preferred options.


Essentially a prototype is a physical representation of an idea in some form that is shareable. Experience prototypes express ideas that explain behaviour, functionality and appearance.

Prototypes are useful in all interaction design activities: